Given the demanding schedule the average pizza restaurant requires, it’s not surprising when busy owners and managers don’t explore high-tech advances in the industry. After all, why spend precious time “reinventing the wheel,” when that wheel is covered by tasty cheese and tomato sauce? Doesn’t this universally-loved meal practically sell itself? The truth is, whether you already have more business than you can handle, or are facing stiff competition from other local pizzerias, mobile apps with online ordering needs a place in your business plan.
The ability to facilitate online ordering for your customers, as well as to instantly alert them about specials and promotions, represents a relatively small investment in time and money that can reap huge dividends — again, in both profits and increased efficiency.
Online Ordering is Overtaking Telephone Orders
According to the NPD Group’s Market Research, internet-based orders for food delivery are now about even with those made by phone. That’s a striking jump compared to just five years ago, when customers were four times more likely to order pizza and other takeout meals by phone as they were to order online.
Source of Orders: Telephone vs Online Ordering
The increasing popularity of mobile apps in the takeout industry is not surprising. From your customer’s standpoint, phone apps can be heaven-sent. The technology is tailored to soothe the nerves of “phone phobics.” In addition, the ease of using the menu to do everything from adding toppings to ordering extra soda, as well as the option of paying through previously-entered information, makes for a streamlined and stress-free experience.
Why Mobile Apps with Online Ordering for Pizza Restaurants Make Sense
Online Orders Save Time
From the pizza restaurant’s standpoint, mobile apps save even more time than you might realize. Not only does handling a phone order take a significant chunk of time, but it frequently causes pileups at the counter. After all, when staff must keep answering the phone to recite the menu and log orders, lines get long, other phone orders go unanswered — and would-be customers go elsewhere.
Put Your Logo On Customer Devices
Mobile apps are a smart promotional tool. Once your customer downloads it onto her phone, your logo will be in her sightline every time she glances at her cellphone. More than 50% of smartphone users check their phone a few times an hour or more, according to a Gallup Panel Survey. The value of the “real estate” your pizza restaurant app takes up on a smartphone screen is not to be taken lightly.

Leverage Social Media Channels
Depending on what works best for you, you can also customize your app to integrate with your pizza restaurant’s social media accounts. That means that weekly specials, reward program notifications and online-only promotions will be synchronized to your app, your website and accounts like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. This can pay off in huge dividends from spontaneous orders.
That’s not to say that you have to have elaborate promotions and social media accounts in order to benefit from a mobile app. Total Loyalty’s Coaches will talk you through customizing an app that fits your needs, whether it’s a simple take-an-order system, or one in which delivery and promotions are included.
Online Ordering Generates Email Opt-ins
As guests order online, they’ll also have opportunities to opt-in to your email database. Total Loyalty Solutions has found that over 20% of users opt-in to a restaurant’s email database when the customer orders online. This is an opportunity to generate thousands of emails so that you can send them news, specials, and offers to bring them back for additional visits.
Pizzerias Appreciate Higher Online Order Values
Research proves that online ordering raises the average order value at a restaurant. Customer satisfaction is also increased by improved order accuracy.
Much like pizza, mobile apps can be as basic or laden with “toppings” as you require. Let us help you get started building that perfect app to take your pizza restaurant to the next level.